


airport, aviation security, illegal interference act, threat, vulnerability, risk, terrorism.


The article examines the role of aviation as one of the national economy branches, the stability of which is very important. Sources of international and national normative and legal nature were analyzed, and the transformation of the definition of illegal interference acts (IIA) was determined. It has been proven that the issues related to protection against terrorist threats are particularly visible at the airport and the most likely attempts of IIA take place near it or directly in it. Also, the article summarizes the regulatory framework for the functioning of airports according to the documents and standards of ICAO, IATA and gives the classification of IIA according to these standards. It became clear that aviation security is important because it is someone’s life and this brings the issue of countering and preventing IIA to a new level. The dynamics of IIA types for the years 2020–2022 were analyzed and it was found that today there are much fewer such events and this indicates proper regulation to prevent similar acts of illegal interference. In the general scheme of risk management in conditions of uncertainty and insufficient information necessary for the correct assessment of threats and risks, a three-level possibility of assessing the parameters of the consequence of each vulnerable group threats has been formed. Thus, the risk assessment is closely related to each critical element of the airport, and the losses themselves are related to the success of the proposed countermeasures against the threats. The assessment of the each component awareness level of the «aircraft – automatic control system – crew – environment – special situation» system regarding possible risks and threats caused by their activities has been improved. It is proposed to consider the « illegal interference act « as a component in this system, namely: «aircraft – automatic control system – crew – environment – illegal interference act – special situation.» It has been proven that the security of any airport in matters of technical and organizational measures should be combined into a single system based on an integrated approach.


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