


cargo distribution centers, communication routes, «dry port-sea port» system, graph theory, time criterion, optimal route.


In this paper, a method of solving the problem of determining the optimal route for the movement of cargo flows in the «dry port – sea port» system is proposed. Graph theory is used in the work. The change of functions and forms of modern ports and land transport hubs to the functions and form of cargo distribution centers is preliminarily determined. The work assumes that cargo sea and land distribution centers and land routes connecting them are properly equipped and equipped; there are modern means of transport that provide communication. The number of components of the «dry port-sea port» system has been established. An assumption is made about the ratio of the arrangement, equipment of the elements of the transport system, the specified technical characteristics of the vehicles and the time spent by them to move the cargo. The number and structure of interacting subsystems, their mutual permeability are taken into account. Spatial location of cargo distribution centers and communication routes is provided. The optimal route of movement of the cargo flow is determined by the indicator of minimization of the spent resource (time) from the dry port to the operational zone of the cargo terminal of the sea port. Several alternative routes of different availability are considered, represented by two types of land transport, the equipment of which is successively included in the «dry port» subsystems. According to the same principle, the optimal movement of the cargo flow is determined by the indicator of minimization of the spent resource from the seaport sorting area to the storage areas of the cargo port terminal. Several alternative routes with a mandatory intermediate element are considered, the equipment of which is part of the «sea port» subsystem. The priority of filling warehouse spaces is established, taking into account the mandatory involvement of weighing platforms. The priority of filling warehouse spaces is clarified with the addition of the condition of priority of maintenance of the warehouse site located in the operational-production zone, the balance of time and capacity values is established. The obtained results are summarized and structured.


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