type cheeses, identification, examination, labelling, organoleptic characteristics.Abstract
Identification expertise is aimed at establishing the conformity of goods to certain requirements. In international regulatory documents, the term “conformity” is interpreted as “compliance with all established product requirements”. In Ukraine, interest in feta-type cheese is growing particularly fast. Today, it is one of the fastest growing segments in the cheese industry and occupies a special niche. In particular, feta cheese is becoming popular in Ukraine, as its production technology is similar to that of brynza, which is more familiar to Ukrainian consumers. The purpose of the study was to conduct an examination and establish the defining features for identifying samples of feta-type cheese of different brands sold in Ukraine. As the objects of study, 2 samples of feta-type cheese were selected: samples of the domestic market operator – TERRAFOOD LLC (Premialle trademark) and Syrorob LLC (KOMO trademark). For comparative purposes, the study also examined the brine product of the French company Flechard SAS Laiterie Du Pont Morin (trademark “Vach de Paris” (“Parisian Cow”)). The selection of criteria for identification and examination of feta-type cheese was based on the analysis of product packaging, labelling, organoleptic characteristics in accordance with the current regulatory documents. According to the results of the labelling examination, it was found that the amount of the specified information on all samples, including cheeses of TM Premille, TM KOMO and brine product of TM Vach de Paris, meets the established requirements, as they contain complete information as defined by the Law of Ukraine “On Information for Consumers on Food Products”. The lack of information on GMOs in such products as KOMO and Vach de Paris was noted as a defect. The comparative organoleptic assessment was based on a 5-point scale and the level of product quality was calculated using a comprehensive method. The best organoleptic characteristics are provided by domestic samples of cheese – fetatype cheese “Felata” of TM “Premialle” and feta-type cheese “InSalata” of TM “KOMO”.
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