food security, mechanisms for ensuring food security, local level of food security, mechanisms for ensuring food security at the local level.Abstract
The article defines the peculiarities of the formation of the food security system at the local level in Ukraine. The food security of Ukraine under martial law was studied. The mechanisms for ensuring food security at the local level in Ukraine have been revealed. The purpose of the article is to determine the mechanisms for ensuring food security at the local level in Ukraine, as well as the peculiarities of the formation of the food security system at the local level. The system of the food system is a set of elements that are ordered in a certain way, interconnected and interact with each other, forming a whole. In modern conditions in Ukraine, these processes require taking into account a number of risks and threats associated with the consequences of a full-scale Russian invasion. The domestic features of the formation of the food security system at the local level in modern conditions are determined. The mechanism for ensuring food security is a system of organizational, economic, regulatory, information and financial measures to prevent threats, which includes the following elements: objective and comprehensive monitoring of the economy and society in order to identify and forecast internal and external threats in the field of food security ; activities related to detection and prevention of internal and external threats in the field of food supply; creation of a legal framework in the field of agricultural safety; crediting and support of the national food producer and its competitiveness; reliable protection of the health of food consumers; balanced food products for different age and professional population groups. The constituent elements of a complex mechanism for ensuring food security at the local level should include: normative-legal, organizational-economic, information and financial mechanisms. Typical problems related to the provision of food to residents of territorial communities and the creation of a food fund for the sale of food products outside their borders have been identified.
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