resolution, party, imperative features, proletarian, peasant literature, intelligentsia.Abstract
The article analyzes the Resolution of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the RCP (B) «On the Party’s Policy in the Field of Fiction» of June 18, 1925 as a set of imperative guidelines for the development of «new» Soviet («proletarian») literature (and art in general), which highlights, firstly, the leading role of party bodies in the organization and control of all spheres of public life, and secondly – the administrative-command style of such an organization. It is determined that these guidelines primarily influenced the development of Ukrainian literature, as national issues were the most dangerous for the integrity of the imperial organism, and therefore the events of the 1920s can be projected on the current confrontation between Ukraine and Russia. The author finds that the Resolution sets out the rules and restrictions on literary creativity, in particular, there is already a tendency to adhere to one «line» of Soviet art, where «peasant» writers are in the role of those who help, and «companions» – those, who must be tolerated, looking for ways to their «proletarization». It is noted that later, when the writer suddenly deviated from the «general line» of Soviet ideology by covering social injustice or ethnogenetic tendencies, he was not only isolated from society, but also publicly condemned with all sorts of additional labels like «Petlurivets», Makhnovets» or a personal label (for example, Stalin’s «khvylovizm» about M. Khvylovyi). It is concluded that the analyzed Resolution is a transitional document to those specifically marked as imperative by the Soviet authorities, according to which direct repressions against writers, including Ukrainian ones, have already taken place.
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