


leadership, public administration, transformation, management efficiency, authorities, civil service.


The article is devoted to the consideration of the concept of situational leadership in the context of public administration. The author investigates different approaches to the definition of situational leadership and its application in managerial activity in public authorities. Particular attention is paid to the role of the leader, as well as methods of adaptation of leadership style to specific situations. It is proved that the process of influence of situational leadership on the effectiveness of public administration can be quite complex and multifaceted. The key ways in which situational leadership can influence the effectiveness of public administration have been identified: flexibility and adaptability; promotion of creativity and innovation; active involvement of employees; creation of a positive environment It has been determined that in general situational leadership can influence the effectiveness of public administration by promoting flexibility, innovation, involvement of employees and creation of a positive working environment, which in turn contributes to the achievement of strategic goals and improving the performance of public administration. In addition, public management today must adapt to changing circumstances, as there has been a shift from hierarchical, mechanical, authoritative leadership to adaptive and open leadership. That is why situational leadership in public administration must be dynamic, adaptive, open to critical and positive feedback to achieve the goals of public administration. With the right approach, situational leadership can contribute to the effectiveness and achievement of the strategic goals of public administration. It is clear that situational leadership in public administration has its advantages and disadvantages, so it is important to realise that there is no one-size-fits-all approach and it is important to conceptually find the optimal balance between flexibility and stability to achieve the strategic goals of public administration.


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Теорія ситуаційного лідерства: правила та помилки. URL:



