granulator, stand, experimental study, technique, liquid column level, vibration frequency, rotation speed, granules, basket, liquid flow, signalingAbstract
The rotation of the basket of the vibrating granulator of mineral fertilizers entails certain characteristic features in the conduct of experimental research. This is primarily related to the study of the internal hydrodynamics of such an installation. In addition, the main process that is being observed – the torch atomization of a substance of a certain structured composition depends on those features, the study of the impact of which can be problematic. This paper presents the structure of the experimental stand of the vibrating rotary granulator and the methodology of conducting the experiment. It was established that the minimally necessary structural set of elements, both in the design of the stand and from the point of view of the tools, makes it possible to clearly determine the dependence of the change of the spray torch on the frequency of the imposed vibrations, the number of revolutions of the granulator basket and the flow of liquid. The practical significance of the given method of conducting the experiment makes it possible to obtain graphs of the dependence of each of the variables in order to analyze the patterns of changes in the state of the product. At the same time, the obtained results can be used for the calculation of new granulation equipment, as well as in the study of relevant disciplines. A change, for example, in the speed of rotation of the granulator basket entails a change in the spray torch at its exit. Similarly, changes in the frequency of vibration or the level of the liquid column have a corresponding effect. This is especially important when determining the size of the granules when obtaining the finished product. Therefore, the stand presented in the work with a set of relevant functions and structural elements during the performance of granulation operations requires a separate stage of study in order to obtain the appropriate dependences of the final product on the course of the main processes.
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