


automated testing, Mantis Bug Tracker, bug tracking, interface, site errors


At the beginning of the work, it is emphasized that error tracking is of great importance as part of software support and maintenance. The characteristics of existing bug tracking systems on the market are briefly listed and given. Advantages and disadvantages of such systems as Mantis Bug Tracker (MantisBT), Jira, YouTrack are named. YouTrack is offered by JetBrains as a cloud or stand-alone server. It is possible to manage projects, users, groups and roles. JetBrains provides its YouTrack for free use by developers of open source projects and for training. YouTrack is also available as a service (SaaS). Limitations of the free version of YouTrack: no more than ten users; the cloud version has data storage limits. Jira projects can be created via e-mail. There is the possibility of importing reports into Excel, as well as the possibility of Wiki-formatting. It supports integration with Confluence. This bug tracker is able to work through a secure connection using SSL. In particular, for Mantis Bug Tracker, it is said that the system has flexible configuration options, which allows you to set it up not only for work on software products, but also as a system for recording requests for technical support. It provides the following features: ease of installation; there are no limits on the number of users, issues or projects; acceptable work speed; supports major OS platforms; supports several DBMS; high level of customization; intuitive error overview; sending messages by email; time tracking; modules that significantly improve the use of MantisBT; export to CSV, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word; integration of source code management (GIT, SVN and CVS). Disadvantages of the system include: interface quality; the lack of the ability to generate a report of the work performed and the possibility of automation, and the fact that in the process of creating a bug report, only one screenshot can be attached to it. With the help of Mantis Bug Tracker, errors were tracked by the Mantis Bug Tracker system on the website of the MEG University and recommendations were made to eliminate the detected errors. The work also includes a fragment of the code according to which site errors were tracked.


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