conflict, conflict management, public administration, organization, leader, party to the conflictAbstract
The article examines the essence of the dual nature of conflicts in public administration. The opinions of scientists regarding the theory of conflict, means of its resolution and prevention, management of the conflict situation in the organization, the role of the manager as a participant, mediator, arbiter of the conflict are considered. It was found that the conflict has a dual nature in accordance with the new orientations of management and personnel work, where the first hypostasis reproduces the traditional perception of conflict as a negative phenomenon with such components as collision, confrontation, aggression, that is, it has a destructive nature, and the second provides an opportunity in the conditions collective discussion to solve any problem facing the organization, unite the team in achieving a common goal, reveal the personal competencies of the most active employees, increase the authority of the public service in the eyes of citizens and the state authorities of Ukraine in general. It was found that the conflict is a clash of subjects who seek to realize their interests, and therefore in the conditions of the organization, especially public administration institutions, it must be resolved immediately, because it can lead to a deconstructive situation. However, the conflict is also viewed from the positive side – as a constructive phenomenon, even planned, when during its resolution there is an equal dispute, in which a team of managers unites to make decisions necessary for the life of the entire organization. It was determined that this dual nature of the conflict requires proper management of this process, which is carried out by the manager as the most interested person, because he is responsible for the institution's activities. It was concluded that the positive side of the conflict, if it is properly managed, involves the unity of the team, the presence of a diversity of views in the collective discussion on a problematic issue, the involvement of innovative approaches to its solution, i.e. «dispute generates truth». At the same time, the strength of the management team and the essence of each employee are tested. Therefore, the leading principle of conflict resolution is cooperation.
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