gripper, construction, design, morphological method, morphological box, morphological matrix, structural elements, synthesis of variantsAbstract
The use of industrial robots in production is an indispensable way to improve the quality and productivity of modern production. For many years, robotic manipulation of production objects has been the most popular robotic operation. Industrial robots that are equipped with a gripper can perform many tasks that have traditionally been performed by the human hand, and can use the gripper in a very wide range of gripping and holding production objects. However, despite the number of grippers currently available on the market, there are still many tasks that are difficult or even impossible for grippers to perform, clearly indicating a demand for new gripper designs that can compete with the human hand. The article is devoted to the improvement of the methods of designing new designs of mechanical grippers due to the use of morphological methods. Morphological methods have repeatedly proven to be quite an effective tool for designing new and improving existing mechanical systems. The purpose of this article is to solve the problem of obtaining new designs of mechanical grippers. The article examines the features of the structural elements of mechanical grippers and the construction of a morphological matrix based on the latter. The total number of alternative mechanical gripper design options for this morphological matrix turned out to be large enough to yield new unusual mechanical gripper design options that would simply be lost in the usual sorting of alternatives. This fact confirmed the effectiveness of using morphological methods in solving the problem of synthesis of new designs of mechanical grippers. The article presents several options for the designed constructions of new mechanical grippers.
World Robotics 2023. IFR International Federation of Robotics, 2023, 49 p. URL:
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