damaged ship, aviation transport system, damage to the aircraft skin, external contours of the aircraft, reconfigurationAbstract
The robot looks at the problem, prompting the keratin system to be reconfigured and ensure the renewal of keratinity in the minds of the damaged outer circuits for the exchange of vicoristan information about the inconsistency of temperature fields of damaged and unkempt parts of the skin of a wind-damaged ship. The current aviation transport system (ATS) is actively increasing its share of domestic and international passenger and goods traffic. Which benefits from the rapid development of nano-bio-information-cognitive technologies (NBIC), advances in air transport, the speed and reliability of delivery of goods and passengers to areas otherwise inaccessible m transport. However, in some cases, aviation transport means are slow to the influx of rainfall conditions, which lead to special situations in the field. One of these approaches is the drop-in process of wind vessels with mechanical, biological or electrical moldings. These connections from the outer contours of the PS parts lead to a miter change of the aerodynamic level of the airfoil in the wind. In case of guilty assignments to the crew (commander) of the PS, a meeting is required to praise the decision about the actions of the steamers of their heirs. It appears that the intellectual fervor of a person is weakly correlated with the function of his brain. Neurophysiological studies conducted by John Plann Haynes have shown that brain activity, for example, when controlling the actions of the fingers, is detected even before its owner is about to destroy them. The hour of such advance can range from 300 milliseconds to 10 seconds [8].This means that the choice of the commander of a military ship (KPS) is not determined by the mind (self-knowledge and intelligence), but by the brain (biological mass). It can be assumed that the model of the KPS, which has great advanced knowledge and practical skills, is formed in the brain behind, and in a critical situation in the minds of extreme shortage of time, anticipating the mind, it is Based on the model that was formed a long time ago, such a model will not indicates the actual formation of the situation. In the event of a high speed (1.5-2 seconds), the development of an emergency situation and its transition to a catastrophic situation can be confirmed so that an informed decision in such a situation is not faced by the CPS. From the influence of these factors, it is clear that the outer contours of the parts of the flytak are at times cut off from the surface of the rapt ears, which are subsequently connected to mechanical, biological and electrical moldings, which lead to mitigation We change the same forces and moments, so that, until the durability and hardness are lost, their updates are possible. for the automatic control system (ACS), which is reconfigured, resulting in significantly less damage. When reconfiguring the flight control, it is understandable: parametric reconfiguration, structural reconfiguration, reconfiguration of aerodynamic surfaces, reconfiguration of the flight instructions.
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