


varicap, technology, porous anodic silicon oxide


The requirements to the performance parameters of modern electronic equipment dictate the search for changes in approaches and methods, and the technology of electronic components. One of the most common elements of electronic circuits is capacitive diodes – varicaps. The diversity of their application is due to the possibility of simultaneous use of several operating parameters of varicaps. Therefore, the search for alternative methods and technologies for manufacturing varicaps remains an urgent task. In this work, a new approach to the technological process of manufacturing the semiconductor structure of varicaps is proposed. It is based on the production of technological layers of porous anodic silicon oxide and the use of methods of self-alignment of the semiconductor layer structure. The consequences of the innovations of this technological process are a reduction in the number of photolithography operations to one. This approach not only reduces the process time, but also eliminates multiple accompanying processes of wafer surface preparation, chemical cleaning, etching, impurity diffusion, photolithography template alignment, etc. Reducing the number of operations reduces the risk of distortion of the operating parameters of the manufactured varicaps during the processes of obtaining structures and manufacturing electronic components. All this leads to a reduction in the financial and economic components of obtaining high-quality electronic devices with fixed parameters. It also reduces chemical operations that are hazardous to the environment. Another important task is to approximate the theoretically calculated parameters of the varicaps with the obtained industrial samples. There are various technologies that provide fixation of one or two main varicap parameters. However, there is no single common technology that would ensure the simultaneous repeatability of several parameters and characteristics. This paper presents the results of applying such a varicap manufacturing technology and provides a comparative characterization of the main parameters of the devices with those obtained using other technologies.


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