


trend, tourism, tourism industry, factors of trend formation in tourism, levels of trend formation in tourism.


The article analyzes and substantiates the essence of the concept of «trend» in its interpretation and manifestation in the tourism sphere. The theoretical approaches of various scientists to the understanding of the concept of «trend» in the field of tourism activity were analyzed and the author's definition of this concept was proposed, under which we propose to understand «a certain phenomenon or event that is in significant demand among consumers, is a predominant direction in tourism and is system-forming in this period time». The main factors affecting the formation of trends in tourism and the level of formation and implementation of trends in tourism are summarized, which allows to characterize the existing trends in the tourism industry more objectively and to group them according to the subject areas of their implementation. Factors affecting the formation of trends in tourism are identified, which are characterized in six directions: economic, social, political, demographic, technical and globalization. The levels of formation and implementation of trends in tourism, which we propose to characterize as megatrend, macro- and microtrend, are characterized. The peculiarities of the formation of trends at the macro and micro levels are analyzed in detail. It was determined that the categorization of trends in tourism is influenced by such four general trends (trends) of the development of society as: transport and logistics, specialized areas for certain types of tourism, lifestyle of the population and marketing of territories. The main tools - methods of forecasting trends in tourism - are substantiated. It was found that in the field of tourism, the most appropriate method for forecasting is the method of extrapolation of a simple moving average based
on the data of only the last few periods, or the method of exponential smoothing, where, instead of the simple average,
more weight is given to recent data, and less to older data, decomposition methods and others.


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