Peer-review process

The procedure for reviewing articles in the journal "Visnyk of the Kherson National Technical University" involves several stages:

I stage: preliminary review of materials by the editor-in-chief in order to assess their relevance to the magazine's subject matter;

II stage: review of materials by a technical editor to assess their compliance with the requirements for scientific publications;

III stage: blind review, during which neither the authors nor the reviewers know each other.

After reviewing the materials, the reviewer can make one of the following decisions:

  • Publish unchanged;
  • Publish with minor changes;
  • Send for re-review (if significant changes are needed);
  • Reject (if significant revision is required. But author may resubmit revised material);
  • Reject without permission to resubmit (if the material has fundamental flaws, contains plagiarism or does not correspond to the topic of the journal).

The final decision on submitted materials is made by the Editorial Board. Review results, comments and recommendations are sent to the author by e-mail.

The editors reserve the right to minor literary editing of texts and shortening while preserving the author's style.

Submitted materials are not returned and cannot be published in other scientific journals.