


efficiency, balanced feed, pigs, extruder, physicochemical properties, technology


Increasing the profitability of the farm for growing cheap and high-quality pork is possible due to significant improvement and introduction of advanced modern technologies. Since the increase in productivity and the decrease in the cost of manufactured products are directly dependent on the scientifically based balancing of rations by the content of nutrients and the amount of energy, which in turn affects the efficiency of fattening. Therefore, the main condition for the intensive development of pig farming is the correct organization of the production of high-quality, complete fodder, to which too great demands are made. Production of high-quality fodder remains an urgent issue, as profitable pork production is directly dependent on providing animals with fodder. The latest technologies in the process of manufacturing balanced fodder for feeding pigs at the stage of rearing and fattening should ensure an increase in the physicochemical properties of the fodder in order to improve its digestibility and assimilation of nutrients and valuable substances by the animal's body. The article considers, as an alternative to the classical technology, an improved line for the preparation of a balanced fodder mixture for pigs, which is based on the use of modern extrusion technology, where the working body of the process is the extruder, which has the effect of increasing the nutritional value of the feed, unlike traditional crushers. In the modernized technology, it is proposed to combine the traditional processes of mixing, grinding and heat treatment of raw materials for feeding animals in one device during fodder preparation. The perfect organization of a rational fodder base due to the improvement of fodder preparation technology can increase the efficiency of the fodder preparation process, which will eventually reduce the cost price and increase the profitability of farms engaged in pork breeding.


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